Marshfield, Vermont


Conservation Commission

Conservation Commission meetings are held at Old Schoolhouse Common on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM.  All meetings are open to the public.

Meeting AGENDAS can be found on the town calendar.  Click on a specific meeting to see the agenda.

Meeting MINUTES can be found by clicking the "Read more..." link on the right side of this page.


Purpose of the Conservation Commission

The Marshfield Conservation Commission was created in 2006 and is composed of nine community members appointed by the Selectboard.  The primary goal of the Commission is to encourage community involvement in protecting and enhancing our town's natural resources.  We are strictly non-regulatory and act as an advisory body to the Selectboard and other town boards on matters of conservation.


The Conservation Commission is Seeking a New Member!

We are seeking a new member to fill a vacant seat on the Commission, and we are hoping to find an individual who has the passion, energy, and time in their schedule to contribute to current and future projects the Commission is working on.  To learn more about our recent and ongoing projects, you can read our 2023 Annual Report using this link...

     2023 Marshfield Conservation Commission Annual Report


Marshfield Natural Resources Inventory

In 2022 and 2023, the Conservation Commission oversaw the completion of a town-wide Natural Resources Inventory.  You can read an Executive Summary of the Final Report for the Inventory using the following link...

     Executive Summary - Marshfield Natural Resources Inventory

For a more comprehensive summary, use this link...

     Extended Summary - Marshfield Natural Resources Inventory

And to read the FULL Marshfield Natural Resources Inventory Report, use this link...

     Full Report - Marshfield Natural Resources Inventory Report


Marshfield Stream Bioassessments

In 2022, Marshfield received a Watershed Grant from Vermont Fish & Wildlife.  The Conservation Commission used these funds to complete bioassessments (looking at macroinvertebrate populations) for Guernsey Brook, Lye Brook, Marshfield Brook, and Nasmith Brook.  Results showed that all assessed streams qualify as being of very high quality (meeting the A or B1 criteria for aquatic life in the Vermont Water Quality Standards) and should be managed to this higher standard once the state completes its stream reclassification process.  Class A indicates that a stream’s aquatic life is unchanged from natural conditions, while Class B1 indicates only a minor change from natural conditions.  To read the FULL Stream Bioassessment Report, use this link...

    2022 Macroinvertebrate Stream Bioassessments - Full Report


Current Conservation Commission Members:

Luke Boushee (Treasurer)
Steve Fiske (Vice Chair)
Ed Jalbert
Bradley Materick (Chair)
Anne Miller
Sara Norton
Bob Popp (Secretary)
Anne Reed