Marshfield, Vermont


Stranahan Stewardship Committee

The Marshfield Select Board is seeking persons interested in appointment to the Stewardship Committee managing the beautiful 620 acre Stranahan Memorial Town Forest. The Committee operates under goals/objectives and constraints of the management plan and conservation easement.  It is responsible for the day-to-day management of the forest and develops new policies, procedures, budgets and plans for approval of the Select Board.


The primary goal of  managing this property is the protection and conservation of its natural resources. There are multiple uses allowed in the management plan which must be consistent  with pursuit of the primary goal.  Sugaring, agriculture, logging, hiking, snow shoe, sking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, mountain biking and others are listed uses in the management plan. Some of these uses in some cases may conflict with the primary goal or with each other. One of the important jobs of the Committee is to balance these uses.


The Committee is responsible for maintenance of the six mile hiking trail system (including removing downed trees), the parking areas, signage, mowing interior fields to keep down brush, and similar activities. The Committee is working on several projects to expand the learning and enjoyment from the forest. These projects include:

  1. Recovery of an historic apple orchard

  2. Finish researching cellar holes, the grist mill and other historic sites,, clear them and provide pertinent information.

  3. Brush hog old fields to keep them open or recover them

  4. Improve drainage along the Moon Trail and the Thompson  Road

  5. Finish the parking area off the Jake Martin Road and install kiosk

  6. Clear invasives

  7. Update the Management Plan (major year long project) to give more guidance on balancing uses and achieving substantial public input;

  8. Provide for access to the interior of the parcel by non-walkers (some seniors and physically challenged)

  9. Mark property boundary and improve trail markers

  10. Increase the educational use of the forest

Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at either the Old Schoolhouse Common in the History room of the library or at the Town Forest. Check the calendar for the agenda and location of the next meeting.

Links to committee meeting minutes may be found on the right side of your screen.

The committee members are:

Nancy Everhart

Ellen Cooke

Mia Roethein

Jenny Warshow

Douglas Glover

Patrick Pfeifer