Cassady Bridge Environmental Review
Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and 11990 (Wetlands) and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 9, FEMA hereby provides final notice of its decision to provide Public Assistance Program funding for an action located in the floodway and wetland. Funding would be provided through Vermont Emergency Management to the Town of Marshfield to replace and mitigate the Cassady Rd Bridge.
The proposed action is located on Cassady Rd in Marshfield, Vermont. The project is to replace the bridge, extend the 10 FT high wingwalls by 10 FT long on both inlet and outlet sides and both banks of the bridge, and add rip rap for stabilization.
The project is within the floodway and an area that contains bordering vegetative wetlands.
The repairs to the bridge and the added mitigation will reduce the risk of future damage adversely affecting the functionality of the bridge. A map of the area of available upon request.
The project must be in the floodway and near a wetland because it is functionally dependent on its location over the Winooski River and is the only access for residents on Cassady Rd. Alternatives considered and dismissed included the No Action alternative and repairs with no added mitigation. The proposed action was determined to be the most practicable alternative because it protects the bridge in future flood events and minimizes risks to human health and safety. The project will be conditioned for Local Floodplain Administrator approval to obtain a “No-Rise” certificate, Clean Water Act permitting, and Stream Alteration Rule permitting from the VT Agency of Natural Resources.
Map requests and comments about this project and potential floodway and wetland impacts should be submitted within 15 days of the date of this publication to:
Elizabeth Kiszonas, Environmental Protection Specialist
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Williston, VT; (202) 765-6178