Tax Appeal hearings and Board of Civil Authority Meeting
Pursuant to the provisions of Vermont law under 32 V.S.A.§4404(b),notice is hereby given that the Board of Civil Authority within and for the town of Marshfield will on Tuesday the 26th day of July, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., meet at the Old Schoolhouse Common in Marshfield and via Zoom to hear appeals of persons, or other parties, who are aggrieved by the action of the board of listers and have timely filed their written appeal with the town clerk. Hearings will continue as scheduled with appellants until all parties are heard.
Bobbi Brimblecombe
Town Clerk
July 15, 2022
**NOTE: No testimony will be heard or accepted at the first, organizational meeting. Appellants are welcome to attend but attendance is not required. Appellants will be notified when their individual hearings are scheduled.
Call Meeting to Order
Elect Chair
Schedule hearings for individual appeals
Recess Tax Appeal Hearings until a time and date certain
Other BCA business:
Appoint Election Officials for the Primary and General Elections
Decide whether to process early/absentee ballots before election day
Discuss tabulator testing and accessible voting system
Other election planning as necessary
Meeting via ZOOM
Meeting ID 471 213 4075
To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099