Marshfield, Vermont


Property Tax Appeal Hearings

Warning Tax Appeal Hearings


PursuanttotheprovisionsofVermontlawunder32V.S.A.§4404(b),noticeisherebygiventhattheBoardofCivilAuthority withinandforthetown of Marshfield willon Thursday, the 18th dayof August, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., meetat the Old Schoolhouse Common in Marshfield insaidtown and via Zoom tohearappealsofpersons,orotherparties,whoareaggrievedbytheaction of the board of listers and have timely filed their written appeal with the town clerk. Hearings will continue as scheduled with appellants until all parties areheard.

 Bobbi Brimblecombe

Town Clerk

August 11, 2022


**NOTE: This meeting is a continuation of the meeting held on July 26th.




Call Meeting to Order

Elect Chair

Explain Hearing Procedures

Decide whether to take further testimony after the inspection report



6:15 p.m. Lorraine Banbury, Parcel ID MA003

6:35 p.m. John Hilzinger, Parcel ID LA015


Continue to a date certain to hear the reports of the inspection committees



Meeting via ZOOM

Meeting ID 471 213 4075

To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099