Marshfield, Vermont


Selectboard Meeting

 DATE:              November 21, 2023

TIME:               5:30 pm

LOCATION:     Old Schoolhouse Common and Zoom – see remote info below


Call meeting to order

Changes or additions to the agenda  

Review and approval of minutes: 11/7/23

Public Comment/Unscheduled Appearances (limited to 15 minutes TOTAL)


Property Manager Report

Decision on Proposal from Northern Basements for elevator

John Schmeltzer, DEC Deputy Commissioner

Emergency Watershed Protection Program - eligibility list and procurement for engineering services, and DEC’s offer of help

Martin Bridge management plan

Emergency Relief & Assistance Fund eligibility criteria (17.5% vs. 12.5%)

DRB Clerk position- set pay rate

Allowing gym rental for parties and gatherings for the winter with blocked access to the elevator-end gym entrance and stairs

Request to install “one lane bridge ahead” signs on Holt Rd bridge

Budget discussions

VT Alert Class – January 10th at 1 pm

Homeland Security Grant Program

December meeting schedule and agenda preparation


Updates to old business, if needed:

Invitation to commemorate Vermont and the Semi quincentennial

Lye Brook culvert replacement

Update on work progress on recent flood-related contracts

Start procurement process for engineering of permanent bridges

VOREC grant modification

Web site alternatives

Discuss replacement of ice rink and community gardens

Discuss shelter location


Correspondence, Payroll, and Bills  

Please note: The elevator is not functioning due to water damage and the meeting will not be ADA accessible.

Meeting via ZOOM                   

Meeting ID 471 213 4075

To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099


Address: Old Schoolhouse Common 122 School Street Marshfield VT 05658