Marshfield, Vermont


Selectboard Meeting



DATE:             Tuesday, June 21, 2022

TIME:              5:30 p.m.

LOCATION:    Old Schoolhouse Common, and Zoom – see remote info below


Call meeting to order

Changes or additions to the agenda

Review and approval of minutes 6/7

Public Comment/Unscheduled Appearances (limited to 15 minutes TOTAL)


Dog complaint – Peacham Pond Road and VT Route 232

Grants in Aid Letter of Intent

Contract for School St Bridge

Revisit paving with ARPA funds

HMGP grant announcement

Modification of cemetery rules to allow green burials


Updates to old business, if needed:

ARPA spending

OSC Building Committee

School Street Bridge construction contract

Recreational Economy for Rural Communities grant

Library Porch

Cabot Road/Route 2 intersection


Correspondence, Payroll, and Bills  



July 5 - Stranahan Management Plan

Parking issues on Pitkin Farm Road


Meeting via ZOOM                   

Meeting ID 471 213 4075

To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099


Address: Old Schoolhouse Common 122 School Street Marshfield VT 05658