Selectboard Meeting
DATE: November 7, 2023
TIME: 5:30 pm
LOCATION: Old Schoolhouse Common and Zoom – see remote info below
Call meeting to order
Changes or additions to the agenda
Review and approval of minutes: 10/24/23
Public Comment/Unscheduled Appearances (limited to 15 minutes TOTAL)
Purchase of new truck
Update on heating system and fuels
Report from basement contractor visit
Martin Bridge work plan
Martin Bridge management plan
Conservation Commission expenditures for zoom and brochures
Invitation to commemorate Vermont and the Semi quincentennial
Development of costs for new OSC trail
Updates to old business, if needed:
Lye Brook culvert replacement
Update on work progress on recent flood-related contracts
Policy for OSC maintenance procedures
Start procurement process for engineering of permanent bridges
Elevator operations
Web site alternatives
Flood damage - OSC
Discuss replacement of ice rink and community gardens
Discuss shelter location
Clarence George road discussion
DRB Clerk position
Correspondence, Payroll, and Bills
Please note: The elevator is not functioning due to water damage and the meeting will not be ADA accessible.
Meeting via ZOOM
Meeting ID 471 213 4075
To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099