Selectboard Meeting
DATE: July 6, 2023
TIME: 5:30 pm.
LOCATION: Old Schoolhouse Common, and Zoom – see remote info below
Call meeting to order
Changes or additions to the agenda
Review and approval of minutes: 6/20/23
Public Comment/Unscheduled Appearances (limited to 15 minutes TOTAL)
Municipal Energy Resilience grant status
Permission to close Pike Road
Library worker’s compensation
Appointment to leadership conference
Report on additional state ARPA funding opportunities
Development of plan for gym renovations
Outdoor Recreation Roundtable grant opportunity
New truck promissory note
Execute extension of sugaring operation lease at Stranahan Forest
Updates to old business, if needed:
Water bottling filling station
Cybersecurity evaluation
Flag replacement and lighting
Picnic shelter tables and possible crowdsourcing funding
Park & Ride lights
Huntington Road turnaround
Gym rule requiring adult supervision
Correspondence, Payroll, and Bills
Future Agenda Items:
Brush hogging contract
Outdoor Event Permit ordinance discussion
Town website - software and hosting
School Street paving
Railroad bed reclassification hearing – August 1st
Emergency shelter arrangements
Route 2/Cabot Road ROW documents
OSC heating issues
Fire Station addition budget & grant options
Meeting via ZOOM
Meeting ID 471 213 4075
To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099