Selectboard Meeting
DATE: May 16, 2023
TIME: 5:30 pm.
LOCATION: Old Schoolhouse Common, and Zoom – see remote info below
Call meeting to order
Changes or additions to the agenda
Review and approval of minutes: 4/18/23
Public Comment/Unscheduled Appearances (limited to 15 minutes TOTAL)
GMP Dam Discussion
Planning Commission appointment
Zoning Administrator resignation
Flag replacement and lighting
Updates to old business, if needed:
2146 VT Route 232 Violation for Second Dwelling
Health Complaint
Possible change of classification on part of the Railroad Bed- Set hearing date (30-day notice required)
Maintenance position contract
VLCT buildings survey
Park & Ride lights
Route 2/Cabot Road ROW documents
Emergency shelter arrangements
Accessibility of OSC for voting
Floor replacement- Select materials
Correspondence, Payroll, and Bills
Future Agenda Items:
Brush hogging contract
Outdoor Event Permit Ordinance discussion
Town Website - software and hosting
Meeting via ZOOM
Meeting ID 471 213 4075
To participate by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099