Marshfield, Vermont


Agency of Natural Resources Notices

The Agency of Natural Resources’ Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)’s new Environmental Notice Bulletin is now live!


Act 150 is a law which passed in May 2016 to standardized and consolidate DEC public notice and comment processes.  The law required DEC to establish an electronic uniform system and location for public notices via the Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB).  The ENB will provide the public with information about applications that are under consideration by DEC and includes permit, certification, and registration applications for most DEC programs. Applications which are deemed administratively complete after January 1, 2018 will publish to the ENB and will remain on the site throughout the decision process and until the application’s appeal period has ended.  To learn more information about ENB please visit DEC’s website.


Per Act 150, DEC is required to send notice to the municipality when permitting activities in their town have posted to the ENB.  ENB will send these notifications electronically to Town Clerks


ENB is designed to send the corresponding town an email when a new activity is posted to ENB as well as any time there is a change to the activity.  Changes may include a notice of the Draft Decision or when a Public Meeting is established. 


When I receive such an email, I will post the notice on Front Porch Forum. 


A link to the Environmental Notice Board is posted below.